Hello Fellow Developers, This would be the first time I've run for council, and with this I bring a bit of fresh blood and fresh ideas. However, I am by no means a new Gentoo developer. I've been using Gentoo fairly extensively since around late 2000, and I've been a developer since 2012. My activities within Gentoo are quite broad. I lead the Security Auditing project, where I look into the nitty-gritty internals of security vulnerabilities, and audit code looking for various problems. I'm regularly responsible for various CVEs, especially in the domain of the kernel. But my Gentoo activities are not merely security focused. I maintain quite a few ebuilds, and I've had my fingers on a pretty diverse set of places in the tree. I'm also peripherally part of the infra team, where I help maintain our cgit install. Outside of Gentoo, some of you might know me for various popular open source projects I maintain, such as cgit [1], pass [2], or WireGuard [3]. Sometimes you may know me for my zx2c4@kernel.org hat, where I work on the upstream Linux kernel. Professionally, I run Edge Security [4], a specialized security consulting, cryptography, and reverse engineering firm. I'm interested in bringing a bit of a different kind of technical expertise to the council, providing some new thoughts and ideas from somebody outside the established Gentoo circles. I've worked on everything from low level compilers and libcs to high level application frameworks, so I expect to have a fair deal to contribute to ongoing technical discussions. Politically, I've generally tried to stay out of the fray of bikeshed mailing list threads, and instead foster individual relationships with co-developers. I prefer focused intimate conversations on technical issues rather than sprawling knife fights. I think a healthy balance is achieved in our distribution when our technical requirements actually intersect nicely with work people are excited to do. I'd like to continue to see us bring our tooling and infrastructure up to date. I believe we remain an extremely relevant and useful distribution, and I look forward to growing it with each of you. So, if you'd like some candid technical guidance from somebody a bit outside the usual circuits but still immensely grounded in Gentoo, I respectfully ask for your vote. Best regards, Jason Donenfeld (zx2c4) [1] https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about [2] https://www.passwordstore.org/ [3] https://www.wireguard.io/ [4] https://www.edgesecurity.com/