portage.cvstree module

portage.cvstree.fileat(entries, path)
portage.cvstree.findall(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all new, changed, missing, and unadded entities. Returns a 4 element list of lists as returned from each find*().

portage.cvstree.findchanged(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that exist in the cvs tree and differ from the committed version. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.findmissing(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are listed in the cvs tree but do not exist on the filesystem. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.findnew(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that have been added but have not yet been committed. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.findoption(entries, pattern, recursive=0, basedir='')

Iterate over paths of cvs entries for which the pattern.search() method finds a match. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.findremoved(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in flagged for cvs deletions. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.findunadded(entries, recursive=0, basedir='')

Recurses the entries tree to find all elements that are in valid cvs directories but are not part of the cvs tree. Returns a list of paths, optionally prepended with a basedir.

portage.cvstree.getentries(mydir, recursive=0)

Scans the given directory and returns a datadict of all the entries in the directory separated as a dirs dict and a files dict.

portage.cvstree.isadded(entries, path)

Returns True if the path exists and is added to the cvs tree.

portage.cvstree.pathdata(entries, path)

Returns the data(dict) for a specific file/dir at the path specified.