------- ABOUT ------- How to get hercules running the Gentoo Linux S/390 port. ------- SETUP ------- Install the needed packages First the emulator: # emerge hercules Then the console program: # emerge x3270 -------- CONFIG -------- Grab all the files in the ~vapier/s390/hercules/ directory. ----- RUN ----- Then run hercules: $ sudo hercules Then in hercules run: ipl gentoo.ins To send your input to the target, prefix it with a dot. So if you want to run `ls` in the emulated system, enter ".ls". ------- DISKS ------- If you want to enable disks, then uncomment the "3390" lines in hercules.cnf. Then create the actual images: $ mkdir disks $ dasdinit disks/linux.121 3390 gen121 $ dasdinit disks/linux.122 3390 gen122