s390 Installation Document
1. Before you Begin
Before you Begin
This guide assumes that you are installing from an existing Linux
distribution. It also assumes that you are comfortable using tools such as
zipl,dasdfmt and fdasd.
2. Selecting your Installation File
Stage 1
When you begin an installation from a Stage 1 Tarball you will have
the ability to completely customize your Gentoo Linux system by controlling
the optimization settings and build-time functionality on your system. The
downside of using a Stage 1 Tarball is that it takes a long time to finish the
installation and if you do not tweak any of the settings you will not gain
Stage 2
You will have some ability to customize your installation and tweak many
settings if you start your installation from a Stage 2 tarball. It's
faster than installing from a Stage 1 tarball because you don't need to
bootstrap. It also not the fastest way to installGentoo and you have to
accept the optimizations that were chosen for the bootstrap.
Stage 3
If you use a Stage 3 tarball to install Gentoo you are using
the fastest installation method possible. You will also be able to use
prebuilt packages if they are available. The downside of installing from
a Stage 3 tarball is that you cannot tweak the basesystem, because
it has already been built.
3. Preparing the Dasd
Here is a list of things that you need to keep in mind when you are
partitioning your Dasd using fdasd.
- You need to use dasdfmt before you can use your dasd
- Swap Partitions cannot Exceed 4 Gb
- A maximum of three partitions can be created on a physical volume
- No gaps should be left between partitions
- There is no tool for moving, or resizing partitions
Here's an example of where dasdfmt was used to initialize our 200 Disc.
Code listing 3.1 |
#dasdfmt -f /dev/dasd/0200/disc --label=gentoo
There are several different modes to run fdasd in. The first mode
is an interactive mode. There is also a mode that will automatically create
one parition on the disk. The third mode sets the partitions according to a
configuration file that you specifiy.
The following example uses the -a option to create one partition on
the system's 200 dasd. It will occupy all the space on the disc. It also
specifies the volume label with the -l option.
Code listing 3.2 |
# fdasd -a /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/disc -a -l gentoo
There are several filesystems that are commonly used on Linux. They are
ext2, ext3, ReiserFS, XFS and JFS. These are all available under Gentoo S390
so you should select the filesystem that best fits your needs.
Code listing 3.3: Creating an ext2 Filesystem |
#mke2fs /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/part1
Code listing 3.4: Creating an ext3 Filesystem |
#mke2fs -j /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/part2
Code listing 3.5: Creating a ReiserFS Fileystem |
#mkreiserfs /dev/dasd/0.0.0201/part1
Code listing 3.6: Creating an XFS Filesystem |
#mkfs.xfs /dev/dasd/0.0.0201/part2
Code listing 3.7: Creating a JFS Filesystem |
#mkfs.jfs /dev/dasd/0.0.0202/part1
Code listing 3.8: Creating a Swap Partition |
#mkswap /dev/dasd/0.0.0202/part2
Now you need to activate the swap partition and mount the filesystems.
To activate the swap partition, use swapon.
Code listing 3.9: Activating the swap partition |
#swapon /dev/dasd/0.0.0202/part2
Now you will need to create the mount directories for each partition that
you have just created. After the directories have been created you will be
able to mount the partitions using the mount command.
Code listing 3.10: Mounting Partitions |
#mkdir /mnt/gentoo/boot
#mkdir /mnt/gentoo/proc
#mkdir /mnt/gentoo/var
#mount /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/part2 /mnt/gentoo
#mount /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/part1 /mnt/gentoo/boot
#mount /dev/dasd/0.0.0201/part2 /mnt/gentoo/var
#mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc
4. Unpacking Tarballs and Entering Chroot
Unpacking your tarball
Now you must unpack the stage tarball that you have chosen.
Code listing 4.1: Unpacking the stage tarball |
#cd /mnt/gentoo
#tar -xvjpf /path/to/stage/tarball/stage*.tar.bz2
You can ignore any "No such file or directory" warnings regarding ./proc. Also,
the message "Error exit delayed from previous errors" can be ignored as well.
Entering the Chroot
Before you enter your chrooted envrinoment there are several things that you
will need to do. You will need to set your compile options, setup your DNS
information, select a mirror, and then update portage.
To set your compile options you need to edit /mnt/gentoo/etc/make.conf.
A list of available gcc options for the s390 Architecture is available
To setup your DNS information you will need to copy your
/etc/resolv.conf to the chroot.
Code listing 4.2: Copying your /etc/resolv.conf |
#cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc
Now it is time to enter your chroot envirnoment.
Code listing 4.3: Entering the chroot |
#chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash
Regenerating /etc/ld.so.cache...
#source /etc/profile
Now you will need to update your portage tree before you continue with the
Code listing 4.4: Updating Portage |
#emerge sync
Ignore any warning messages that say that there is an update to portage
available. Portage will be updated later on in the installation.
5. Progressing through the Installation
Progressing from Stage 1 to Stage 2
If you decided to start the installation from a Stage 1 tarball this is
where you need to begin. If you started from a Stage 2 or a Stage 3 tarball
you can start in one of the other sections.
You need to enter the following lines to start bootstrapping the system.
This will take a long time to complete so after you start the bootstrapping
process you can go and do something else.
Code listing 5.1: Starting the Bootstrap Process |
# cd /usr/portage
# scripts/bootstrap.sh
You can also have the bootstrap process download all of the source code
that it needs first. To do this run bootstrap.sh with the
-f option
Progressing from Stage 2 to Stage 3
To progress from Stage 2 to Stage 3 you will need to emerge the base system
packages for your Gentoo system. Before you begin you can see what packages
will be installed on your system by running the following command.
Code listing 5.2: Seeing what emerge system will do |
#emerge -p system
Now you can start building the base system packages. This will also take a
very long time to complete so you should go find something else to do for a
Code listing 5.3: Starting emerge system |
#emerge system
Installing a Kernel
Now we will go through and install and then compile a kernel with the
necessary options. The first thing that is required is to set the system's
time zone. Then you need to install the source code, configure the kernel
and then compile the kernel.
Setting the time zone is done by creating a symlink to /etc/localtime.
Code listing 5.4: Setting the time zone |
# ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/GMT /etc/localtime
Now we need to install the kernel sources. The only kernel that is
currently supported by Gentoo's S/390 Port is the 2.6.5 development-sources.
If you want to you can try a different kernel by adding the s390 keyword to
the ebuild. To install the kernel source all you need to is emerge them.
Code listing 5.5: Installing Kernel Sources |
# emerge development-sources
Now we need to configure the options that are required for our kernel.
Here's a list of required options for S/390 users.
Code listing 5.6: Selecting experimental code/drivers |
Code maturity level options --->
[*] Select only drivers expected to compile cleanly
Code listing 5.7: Base Setup |
Base Setup -->
[ ] 64 Bit Kernel
Processor type (IBM eServer zSeries model z800 and z900) --->
(X) IBM eServer zSeries model z800 and z900
<*> QDIO Support
[*]Builtin IPL record Support
Code listing 5.8: Block Devices |
Block Devices --->
<*> Support for DASD devices
Code listing 5.9: Selecting Filesystems and Partition Types |
File Systems -->
<*> Second extend fs support
<*> Ext3 journalling file system support
Pseudo filesystems --->
[*] /proc file system support
[*] /dev file system support (OBSOLETE)
[*] Automatically mount at boot
[*] /dev/pts Extended Attributes
[*] Virtual memory file system support (former shm fs)
Partition Types --->
[*] Advanced partition selection
[*] IBM disk label and partition support
To begin configuring the kernel you need to run make menuconfig.
Code listing 5.10: Executing Make menuconfig |
# cd /usr/src/linux
# make menuconfig
Now its time to compile the kernel.
Code listing 5.11: Compiling the kernel |
# make && make modules_install
When the kernel is done compiling, copy the kernel image to /boot:
Code listing 5.12: Installing the kernel |
# cp arch/s390/boot/image /boot/kernel-2.6.5-gentoo
# cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.6.5-gentoo
# cp .config /boot/config-2.6.5-gentoo
# chmod +x /boot/image
The kernel modules that should be loaded automatically at boot should be
placed in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6. To view all available
kernel modules, run the following find command.
Code listing 5.13: Viewing available kernel modules |
# find /lib/modules/<kernel version>/ -type f -iname '*.o' -or -iname '*.ko'
To automaticcaly load the qeth module, edit kernel-2.6 file and enter the
module name in it.
Now run modules-update to commit the changes to
Configuring your System
One of the first things that you need to configure is your /etc/fstab
. This file contains all of the information about the partitions that are
mounted when the system is booted.
Code listing 5.14: An example /etc/fstab |
/dev/dasd/0.0.0201/part2 /boot ext2 noauto,noatime 1 1
/dev/dasd/0.0.0202/part1 / ext3 noatime 0 0
/dev/dasd/0.0.0201/part1 /var/www/localhost/htdocs/ ext3
/dev/dasd/0.0.0202/part2 none swap sw 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
Choosing a System Logger
At this point you will need to select a system logger. The available
choices are metalog, syslog-ng, and sysklogd. Metalog
is highly configurable, syslog-ng is very powerfull because it comes with a
great default configuration, and sysklogd is a traditional system logger.
When you chose a system logger you should use emerge to install it.
Then you should add it to the default runlevel using rc-update. This
example installs metalog.
Code listing 5.15: Installing a System Logger |
# emerge metalog
# rc-update add metalog default
Filesystem Tools
Depending on what file systems you are using, you need to install the
necessary file system utilities (for checking the filesystem integrity,
creating additional file systems etc.).
The following table lists the tools you need to install if you use a certain
file system:
File System |
Tool |
Install Command |
xfsprogs |
emerge xfsprogs |
ReiserFS |
reiserfsprogs |
emerge reiserfsprogs |
jfsutils |
emerge jfsutils |
Networking Configuration
The first thing that we need to do is to setup the network devices.
Depending on your type of network, you will need to create several
configuration files. Device numbers are denoted 0.0.abcd to comply with the
naming scheme for 2.6 kernels. This device number is equivalent with 0xabcd.
The supported network devices are:
- lcs osa
- qdio osa
- HiperSockets
- Channel to Channel and Escon
- Claw (2.4 series only)
/etc/chandev.conf is used in the configuration of the 2.4 series
kernels, and /etc/ccwgroup.conf is used in the configuration of the 2.6
series kernels.
For lcs osa token ring networks, and lcs osa ethernet networks You need to
know your read device, write device and relative port number, f.e. read device
0.0.fd00, write device 0.0.fd01, a relative port number 0 will use
Code listing 5.16: /etc/chandev.conf |
Code listing 5.17: /etc/ccwgroup.conf |
group lcs 0.0.fd00 0.0.fd01
portno 0
Your network devices will be tr0 for token ring devices, and eth0 for
ethernet devices.
For qdio osa token ring networks, and qdio osa ethernet networks you need
to know your read, write, and data device and your portname,for example
.0.fd00, 0.0.fd01, 0.0.fd02 and OSAPORT
Code listing 5.18: /etc/chandev.conf |
Code listing 5.19: /etc/ccwgroup.conf |
group qeth 0.0.fd00 0.0.fd01 0.0.fd02
portname OSAPORT
Your network devices will be tr0 for token ring devices, and eth0 for
ethernet devices.
For Hipersockets You need a read, a write, and a data device, for example
0.0.fd00, 0.0.fd01, 0.0.fd02
Code listing 5.20: /etc/chandev.conf |
Code listing 5.21: /etc/ccwgroup.conf |
group qeth 0.0.fd00 0.0.fd01 0.0.fd02
Your network device will be hsi0
For channel to channel and escon channel connections you need a read and a
write device, for example 0.0.fd00, 0.0.fd01.
Code listing 5.22: /etc/chandev.conf |
Code listing 5.23: /etc/ccwgroup.conf |
group ctc 0.0.fd00 0.0.fd01
Your network device will be ctc0. Please note that this is a point to point
connection, you can't assign a network/broadcast address to the device and
you need to supply the IP of your peer.
For IUCV Networking you need the name of the guest you want to connect to,
for example guest2.
Code listing 5.24: /etc/modules.conf |
options netiucv iucv=guest2
Your network device will be iucv0. Please note that this is a point to point
connection, you can't assign a network/broadcast address to the device and you
need to supply the IP of your peer.
For CLAW you need to know the read and write devices, the host and adapter
name and the API type, for example the device 0xfd00 and 0xfd01, host linux,
adapter rs6k, and the TCPIP API.
CLAW is only available for the 2.4 series of kernels
Code listing 5.25: /etc/chandev.conf |
Your network device will be claw0, the configuration of the network device
depends on your router's settings.
Now you need to edit /etc/conf.d/net to setup networking for your
Gentoo system. Is uses a straightforward yet not intuitive syntxax. The first
thing that you need to to is to opne /etc/conf.d/net with a text
Code listing 5.26: Opening /etc/conf.d/net for editing |
# nano -w /etc/conf.d/net
The first variable you'll find is iface_eth0. It uses the following syntax:
Code listing 5.27: iface_eth0 syntax is |
ifface_eth0="<your ip address> broadcast <your broadcast address> netmask <your netmask>
Here's an example that uses a static network.
Code listing 5.28: Example for /etc/conf.d/net/ |
iface_eth0=" broadcast netmask"
To have your network devices automatically start at boot you need to add
them to the default runlevel.
Code listing 5.29: Adding net.eth0 to the default runlevel |
# irc-update add net.eth0 default
If you have several network interfaces, you need to create the appropiate
net.eth1, net.eth2 etc. initscripts for those. You can use
ln to do this:
Code listing 5.30: Creating extra initscripts |
# cd /etc/init.d
# ln -s net.eth0 net.eth1
# rc-update add net.eth1 default
Now we will setup some basic networking options such as the the hostname,
and the domainname.
Code listing 5.31: Setting the host and Domain Name |
# echo tux > /etc/hostname
# echo homenetwork > /etc/dnsdomainname
# rc-update add domainname default
Configuring Zipl
Zipl the bootloader for S/390 is available in the
s390-tools package.The file /etc/zipl.conf is used to configure zipl.
You can think of it as lilo for s390. Basically, zipl can be used without a
zipl.conf, however a proper zipl.conf will make life easier for you and save
you a lot of typing.
The zipl.conf configuration file is split in different sections, all starting
Within such a section you can define different parameters you had to pass to
zipl on the command line otherwise. You can then just pass the name of the
section you have defined to zipl and it will use the values found there:
Code listing 5.32 |
#zipl name
If you define a section defaultboot, you can even define which section to use
if you didn't provide a section name at all:
Code listing 5.33 |
Possible values you can set in such a section include:
directory to install zipl files to
kernel image
parameters to pass to the kernel during ipl
device for dump (see lkcdutils)
For more advanced options, please see zipl.conf(5)
To setup zipl, the following steps are needed:
Create necessary directories and files
You should create the following directories, assuming you want to install
Code listing 5.34 |
# mkdir /boot/zipl
# mkdir /boot/vanilla-sources-2.4.21
# ln -s /boot/vanilla-sources-2.4.21 /boot/kernel
# ln -s kernel/System.map /boot/System.map
# ln -s kernel/Kerntypes /boot/Kerntypes
Copy your compiled kernel
Code listing 5.35 |
# cp arch/s390/boot/{image,*.boot} /boot/kernel
# cp System.map /boot/kernel
# cp Kerntypes /boot/kernel
Create a zipl.conf. It is assumed that /dev/dasd/0.0.0200/disc1
is your root and /dev/dasd/0.0.0201/disc1 is used for dumps. Your
/etc/zipl.conf should look something like this.
Code listing 5.36 |
parameters="dasd=0200,02001 root/dev/dasd/0.0.0200/disc1"
To install the boot loader with your shiny new zipl.conf you just have to
If you also want to prepare your dump disc (yes, you want that), you should
run the following command:
Code listing 5.38 |
# zipl dump
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