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Gentoo Linux LDAP Authentification


1.Title of first chapter

Title of first section of the first chapter 

Some text

Code listing 1.1: Title of codebox

This is a codelisting.
Everything in this box is _verbatim_ copied, except for XML tags.
Use < and > for less-than and greater-than.

Some more tekst. You can place commands in commandtags, paths to files in path-tags etc.

Title of second section of the first chapter 

You can do lists too:

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

In <pre> tags you can show what the user is supposed to type using <i> tags, have comments etc...

Code listing 1.2: Showing user input

# rm -rf / (Don't do this!)

If you want to, you can emphasize a word.

2.Second chapter

As you can see, no <title> tags here -- they aren't mandatory.

Showing tables 

Use <th> for header-fields, <ti> for normal fields. Embrace everything in <tr>'s.

Keyword Description
Beer Alcohol Not too much!
Chocolate Food Not too much either
Sex Sport The more, the better


You can link to

You can mail if you want.

Updated 3rd of July 2003
Robin H. Johnson

Summary:  This guide informs you how to set up an LDAP server for authentification purposes, and how you configure your clients to use it.

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