Gentoo Linux LDAP Authentification
1.Title of first chapter
Title of first section of the first chapter
Some text
Code listing 1.1: Title of codebox |
This is a codelisting.
Everything in this box is _verbatim_ copied, except for XML tags.
Use < and > for less-than and greater-than.
Some more tekst. You can place commands in commandtags, paths
to files in path-tags etc.
Title of second section of the first chapter
You can do lists too:
In <pre> tags you can show what the user is supposed to type
using <i> tags, have comments etc...
Code listing 1.2: Showing user input |
# rm -rf /
If you want to, you can emphasize a word.
2.Second chapter
As you can see, no <title> tags here -- they aren't mandatory.
Showing tables
Use <th> for header-fields, <ti> for normal fields. Embrace
everything in <tr>'s.
Keyword |
Description |
Beer |
Alcohol |
Not too much! |
Chocolate |
Food |
Not too much either |
Sex |
Sport |
The more, the better |
You can link to
You can mail if you want.