# SSL virtual host # # SSL virtual hosts are a special form of the IP-based virtual host. # Every virtual host that you want to run HTTPS for MUST have it's own # IP address. # Set the IP address of this SSL server here. # Used for creating URLs back to itself # This should also match the name on the SSL certificate ServerName example.com # DocumentRoot is the location where your files will be stored # # For gentoo, the suggested structure is: # # /var/www/ # domain.com/ # htdocs/ Files for the website itself # htdocs-secure/ Files available via HTTPS # cgi-bin/ Site-specific executable scripts (optional) # error/ Custom error pages for the website (optional) # icons/ Custom icons for the website (optional) # # You should also set the vhost USE-flag so that you can install webapps # easily to multiple virtual hosts # # Note that if you put the directory anywhere other then under /var/www # you may run into problems with suexec and cgi scripts. # DocumentRoot "/var/www/example.com/htdocs-secure" # This should match the DocumentRoot above # Some sane defaults - see httpd.conf for details Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted # By default cgi-bin points to the global cgi-bin in /var/www/localhost # If you want site specific executable scripts, then uncomment this section # # If you have enabled suexec, you will want to make sure that the cgi-bin # directory is owned by the user and group specified with SuexecUserGroup #ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/example.com/cgi-bin/" # # AllowOverride None # Options None # Require all granted # # If you have multiple users on this system, each with their own vhost, # then it's a good idea to use suexec to seperate them. # # Set the user and group that scripts in this virtual host will run as. SuexecUserGroup billybob users # If you want custom error documents uncomment this section # See /etc/apache2/modules.d/00_error_documents.conf for the file # name to use for the various error types # # Alias /error/ "/var/www/example.com/error/" # # AllowOverride None # Options IncludesNoExec # AddOutputFilter Includes html # AddHandler type-map var # Require all granted # # # If you want to use custom icons for the website autoindexes, # then uncomment this section. #Alias /icons/ "/var/www/example.com/icons/" # # Options Indexes MultiViews # AllowOverride None # Require all granted # # Create a logfile for this vhost CustomLog /var/log/apache2/example.com.ssl_log combined # Turn on SSL SSLEngine on # You will need a seperate key and certificate for every vhost SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/example.com.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/example.com.key # If you want to force SSL for a virtualhost, you can uncomment this section # You can optionally use the IP address here instead, if you want every # connection to this IP address to be forced to SSL # # Match the ServerName from above # ServerName example.com # Add any necessary aliases if you are using name-based vhosts # ServerAlias www.example.com # Redirect permanent / https://example.com/ # # vim: ts=4 filetype=apache