Some of the Gentoo goodness I'm involved in can be found here. Mostly I use this page to find stuff quickly; however, feel free to use any of it yourself.
The hardened-sources are a patchset applied to the gentoo-sources to provide GRSEC/PaX hardening.
The openrc project aims to revamp Gentoo's init script system.
The SELinux Project aims to bring Security Enhance Linux to Gentoo.
elfix is a suite of tools to work with ELF binaries and libraries on Hardened Gentoo.
webapp-config simplifies the installation of LAMP applications in virtual hosting systems.
Lemote Yeeloong Gentoo Desktop Out-of-the-box desktop (stage4) for the Lemote Yeeloong netbook
eudev A fork of systemd with the aim of isolating udev from any particular flavor of system initialization.
Hardened uClibc Porting the hardened toolchain to uClibc sysetms. And Lilblue A security-enhanced, fully featured XFCE4, amd64 Gentoo desktop, built on uClibc.
Hardened musl Porting the hardened toolchain to musl sysetms.
net-analyzer/2ping [p] [b] [h] [d] A bi-directional ping utility
sys-apps/agedu [p] [b] [h] [d] A Unix utility for tracking down wasted disk space
x11-libs/amd-adl-sdk [p] [b] [h] [d] API to access display driver functionality for ATI graphics cards
sys-libs/argp-standalone [p] [b] [d|h] Standalone argp library for use with uclibc
net-misc/arm [p] [b] [h] [d] A monitoring system for tor
net-dns/avahi [p] [b] [h] [d] System which facilitates service discovery on a local network
net-libs/axTLS [p] [b] [h] [d] Configurable client/server TLSv1 SSL library, and small HTTP/HTTPS server, for embedded systems
dev-lang/bashforth [p] [b] [h] [d] String-threaded Forth interpreter in Bash
net-misc/bfgminer [p] [b] [h] [d] Modular Bitcoin CPU/GPU/FPGA miner in C.
net-p2p/bitcoind [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Bitcoin digital currency daemon
net-p2p/bitcoin-cli [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Bitcoin digital currency CLI client
virtual/bitcoin-leveldb [p] [b] Virtual for LevelDB versions known to be compatible with Bitcoin Core 0.9+
net-p2p/bitcoin-qt [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Bitcoin digital currency QT4 client
net-p2p/bitflu [p] [b] [h] [d] A BitTorrent client, written in Perl and is designed to run as a daemon
net-dns/c-ares [p] [b] [h] [d] C library that performs DNS requests and name resolves asynchronously.
net-misc/cgminer [p] [b] [h] [d] Bitcoin CPU/GPU/FPGA miner in C.
www-servers/cherokee [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] An extremely fast and tiny web server.
dev-util/comparator [p] [b] [h] [d] Utility for making fast comparisons among large source trees
net-p2p/datacoin-hp [p] [b] [h] [r] High-performance version of datacoin (primecoin-hp fork).
sys-devel/ct-ng [p] [b] [h] [d] A tool to build cross-compiling toolchains.
net-misc/curl [p] [b] [h] [d] curl is a command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax.
net-libs/cyassl [p] [b] [h] [d] [d] [r] Lightweight SSL/TLS library targeted at embedded and RTOS environments
dev-python/ecdsa [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] ECDSA cryptographic signature library in pure Python
net-misc/electrum [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] User friendly Bitcoin client
sys-apps/elfix [p] [b] [h] [r] Tools to work with ELF binaries and libraries on Hardened Gentoo.
dev-util/elfkickers [p] [b] [h] [d] A collection of programs that manipulate ELF files.
dev-util/elfsh [p] [b] [h] [d] An interactive and scriptable ELF machine to play with executable files, shared libraries and relocatable ELF32 objects.
sys-fs/encfs [p] [b] [h] [d] An implementation of encrypted filesystem in user-space using FUSE
sys-fs/f2fs-tools [p] [b] [h/r] [d] Tools for the Flash-Friendly File System
www-apps/gallery [p] [b] [h] [d] Web based (PHP Script) photo album viewer/creator
sys-apps/gentoo-functions [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Base functions required by all Gentoo systems
sys-apps/getent [p] [b] [h] [d] Script to emulate the behavior of glibc's getent utility
dev-util/gperf [p] [b] [h] [d] GNU gperf is a perfect hash function generator
sys-apps/gradm [p] [b] Administrative interface for the GRSEC RBAC = Role Based Access Control system.
sys-kernel/hardened-sources [p] [b] [B] GRSEC/PaX hardened kernel sources
app-doc/halibut [p] [b] [h] [d] Yet another free document preparation system
sys-apps/haveged [p] [b] [h] [d] A simple entropy daemon using the HAVEGE algorithm
dev-libs/hidapi [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Multi-Platform library for communication with HID devices.
sys-apps/install-xattr [p] [b] [h|d] [r] Wrapper to coreutil's install to preserve Filesystem Extended Attributes
net-firewall/ipsec-tools [p] [b] [h] [d] A port of KAME's IPsec utilities to Linux
net-misc/ipv6calc [p] [b] [h] [d] IPv6 address calculator
net-libs/libblkmaker [p] [b] [h|r] C implementation of getblocktemplate (BIP 22)
app-benchmarks/libc-bench [p] [b] [h] [d] Time and memory-efficiency tests on various C/POSIX standard library functions
dev-libs/libelf [p] [b] [h|d] An ELF object file access library, alternative to elfutils
net-libs/libmicrohttpd [p] [b] [h] [d] A small C library to run an HTTP server as part of another application
net-libs/libnatpmp [p] [b] [h] Library which provides an alternative protocol to UPnP IGD specification.
dev-python/libnatpmp [p] [b] [h] Python module which provides an alternative protocol to UPnP IGD specification.
net-p2p/litecoind [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] P2P Internet currency based on Bitcoin but easier to mine.
net-p2p/litecoin-qt [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] P2P Internet currency based on Bitcoin but easier to mine, QT4 client.
linux-sources [p] [b] Virtual for all flavors of linux source.
dev-lua/luaevent [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] lua binding for libevent
net-misc/minissdpd [p] [b] [h] [d] maintain history of the SSDP NOTIFY to help MiniUPnPd and MiniUPnPc
www-servers/monkeyd [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A small, fast, and scalable web server
www-apps/moodle [p] [b] [h] [d-19] [d-20] [d-21] [d-22] [d-23] [d-24] [d-25] [d-26] A popular course management system
x11-terms/mrxvt [p] [b] [h] [d] Multi-tabbed rxvt clone with XFT, transparent background and CJK support
net-p2p/multibit [p] [b] [h] [d] MultiBit is a secure, lightweight, international Bitcoin wallet written in Java
sys-libs/musl [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Lightweight, fast and simple C library focused on standards-conformance and safety
net-dns/namecoin-qt [p] [b] [h] [r] A P2P network based domain name system
net-dns/namecoind [p] [b] [h] [r] Daemon for the namecoin P2P network based domain name system
net-misc/nat-traverse [p] [b] [h] Use of UDP to traverse NAT gateways
net-proxy/obfsproxy [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A tor-compliant pluggable transports proxy to obfuscate tor traffic
sys-apps/paxctl [p] [b] User-space utility to control PaX flags.
app-admin/paxtest [p] [b] Test suite for the PaX kernel patch.
dev-util/plan9port [p] [b] [h] [d] Port of many Plan 9 programs and libraries
net-p2p/ppcoind [p] [b] [h] [d] Cryptocurrency forked from Bitcoin which aims to be energy efficiency.
net-p2p/ppcoin-qt [p] [b] [h] [d] Cryptocurrency forked from Bitcoin which aims to be energy efficiency, QT4 client.
net-p2p/primecoind [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] P2P Internet currency based on Bitcoin but easier to mine.
net-p2p/primecoin-qt [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] P2P Internet currency based on Bitcoin but easier to mine, QT4 client.
dev-python/pypax [p] [b] [h] [r] Python module to get or set pax markings. It supports both PT_PAX and XT_PAX.
dev-python/pyptlib [p] [b] [h|r] Python library for tor's pluggable transport managed-proxy protocol
sys-apps/rsbac-admin [p] [b] [h] [r] RSBAC = Rule Set Based Access Control hardened kernel sources
sys-kernel/rsbac-sources [p] [b] [h] [r] Administrative interface for the RSBAC = Rule Set Based Access Control system.
dev-python/SchemaObject [p] [b] [h] [r] SchemaObject provides a simple Python object interface to a MySQL database schema.
dev-db/SchemaSync [p] [b] [h] [r] MySQL Schema Versioning and Migration Utility.
dev-python/slowaes [p] [b] [h] [d] AES implementation in pure Python"
games-misc/sound-of-sorting [p] [b] [h|d] Visualization and Audibilization of Sorting Algorithms
app-benchmarks/spew [p] [b] [h] [d] An I/O performance measurement and load generation tool.
app-backup/spideroak-bin [p] [b] [h] [C] An easy, secure and consolidated free online backup, storage, access and sharing system.
app-shells/squirrelsh [p] [b] [h] [d] An advanced, cross-platform object oriented scripting shell based on the squirrel scripting language.
net-libs/stem [p] [b] [h] [r] A Python controller library for Tor
net-misc/stunnel [p] [b] [h] [d] TLS/SSL - Port Wrapper.
www-servers/thttpd [p] [b] [h] [d] thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server.
net-misc/tinc [p] [b] [h] [d] tinc is an easy to configure VPN implementation
net-misc/tor [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Anonymous online browsing
net-proxy/torsocks [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] Allows one to use most socks friendly applications with tor.
net-p2p/tribler [p] [b] [h[ [d] [r] Bittorrent client that does not require a website to discover content.
app-forensics/unhide [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A forensic tool to find hidden processes and TCP/UDP ports by rootkits/LKMs or other techniques.
dev-util/valgrind [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A tool to help you find memory-management problems in your programs.
www-servers/varnish [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
net-misc/vidalia [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] A tool to help you find memory-management problems in your programs.
app-admin/webalizer [p] [b] [h] [d] The Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program.
app-admin/webapp-config [p] [b] [r] Gentoo's installer for web-based applications.
dev-python/whoosh [p] [b] [h] [r] Fast, pure-Python full text indexing, search and spell checking library
dev-libs/xapian [p] [b] [h] [d] A library which provides advanced indexing and search facilities
dev-libs/xapian-bindings [p] [b] [h] [d] Xapian bindings for lua, mono, perl, php, ruby and tcl
app-text/xapian-omega [p] [b] [h] [d] An application built on Xapian, consisting of indexers and a CGI search frontend.
dev-perl/Search-Xapian [p] [b] [h] [d] Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library.
net-firewall/xtables-addons [p] [b] [h] [d] [r] iptable extensions not yet accepted in the main kernel/iptables (patch-o-matic(-ng) successor).
sec-policy/* selinux policies
sys-libs/libselinux [p] [b] Provides an API for SELinux applications.
sys-apps/policycoreutils [p] [b] Contains the policy core utilities required for a SELinux system.
sys-libs/libsemanage [p] [b] SELinux policy management libraries.
sys-libs/libsepol [p] [b] SELinux library for manipulating binary security policies.
app-admin/setools [p] [b] SELinux policy analysis tools.
dev-python/sepolgen [p] [b] Python module needed for audit2allow
sys-apps/checkpolicy [p] [b] SELinux policy compilier
dev-python/python-selinux [p] [b] Python bindings for SELinux libselinux fuctions.
My dev overlay which I use for staging ebuilds.
The hardened-sources patchset which I use for preparing the tarballs for the hardened project.
The hardened-docs where we work on documenting the hardened project before they go live.
The hardened-dev an overlay where we work on hardened ebuilds before they go live.
The hardened-gccpatchset is our repo of patches against gcc for hardening.
The Openrc repo for the new baselayout-2.
The Gentoo/OpenBSD overlay for using prefix to install portage on OpenBSD
The elfix repo where I develop the elfix binaries
The webapp-config repo where we maintain webapp-config
The releng repo where I keep scripts related to production of uclibc releases
The catalyst repo the code repository for our stage/livecd building system
The eudev fork of systemd and isolation of udev
Archive of elfkicker patches
Archive of cyassl
Archive of eudev
Archive of fts-standalone
Archive of hardened-patches
Archive of gradm
Archive of luaevent
Archive of The selinux base policy patchbundle
Archive of torsocks tarballs made from repository
Archive of uClibc backport patchset
Archive of webapp-config
Last modified: July 3, 2017