

user.eclass -- user management in ebuilds


The user eclass contains a suite of functions that allow ebuilds to quickly make sure users in the installed system are sane.


Replacement: acct-user/acct-group packages

Supported EAPIs

6 7 8


enewuser <user> [-F] [-M] [uid] [shell] [homedir] [groups]

Same as enewgroup, you are not required to understand how to properly add a user to the system. The only required parameter is the username. Default uid is (pass -1 for this) next available, default shell is /bin/false, default homedir is /dev/null, and there are no default groups.

If -F is passed, enewuser will always enforce specified UID and fail if it can not be assigned. If -M is passed, enewuser does not create the home directory if it does not exist.

enewgroup <group> [gid]

This function does not require you to understand how to properly add a group to the system. Just give it a group name to add and enewgroup will do the rest. You may specify the gid for the group or allow the group to allocate the next available one.

If -F is passed, enewgroup will always enforce specified GID and fail if it can not be assigned.

esethome <user> <homedir>

Update the home directory in a platform-agnostic way. Required parameters is the username and the new home directory. Specify -1 if you want to set home to the enewuser default of /dev/null. If the new home directory does not exist, it is created. Any previously existing home directory is NOT moved.

esetshell <user> <shell>

Update the shell in a platform-agnostic way. Required parameters is the username and the new shell. Specify -1 if you want to set shell to platform-specific nologin.

esetcomment <user> <comment>

Update the comment field in a platform-agnostic way. Required parameters is the username and the new comment.

esetgroups <user> <groups>

Update the group field in a platform-agnostic way. Required parameters is the username and the new list of groups, primary group first.

Maintainers (Linux)

Michał Górny <> (NetBSD)

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs via