------- ABOUT ------- This is an attempt at getting the Dxr2 driver updated to work on the linux 2.6 kernel. Mostly i've just cleaned up the build system and tweaked the source with common 2.4->2.6 gotcha's (like the new module tracking). ---------- UPSTREAM ---------- I've tried to get this added upstream, but they're pretty apathetic about the whole thing: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dxr2-devel -------- STATUS -------- The driver will build and load under 2.6, but it seems like simple operations will cause panic's due to page hate. ------------- FUTURE WORK ------------- If upstream isn't going to bother merging the changes i have currently (which should not interfere with 2.4 kernel), then i'm not going to really spend anymore time on this.