# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.) # # ==================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/. # ==================================================================== """SymbolStrategy classes determine how to convert symbols.""" import re from cvs2svn_lib.common import FatalError from cvs2svn_lib.common import path_join from cvs2svn_lib.common import normalize_svn_path from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Trunk from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import TypedSymbol from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Branch from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Tag from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import ExcludedSymbol from cvs2svn_lib.symbol_statistics import SymbolPlanError class StrategyRule: """A single rule that might determine how to convert a symbol.""" def start(self, symbol_statistics): """This method is called once before get_symbol() is ever called. The StrategyRule can override this method to do whatever it wants to prepare itself for work. SYMBOL_STATISTICS is an instance of SymbolStatistics containing the statistics for all symbols in all projects.""" pass def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): """Return an object describing what to do with the symbol in STATS. SYMBOL holds a Trunk or Symbol object as it has been determined so far. Hopefully one of these method calls will turn any naked Symbol instances into TypedSymbols. If this rule applies to the SYMBOL (whose statistics are collected in STATS), then return a new or modified AbstractSymbol object. If this rule doesn't apply, return SYMBOL unchanged.""" raise NotImplementedError() def finish(self): """This method is called once after get_symbol() is done being called. The StrategyRule can override this method do whatever it wants to release resources, etc.""" pass class _RegexpStrategyRule(StrategyRule): """A Strategy rule that bases its decisions on regexp matches. If self.regexp matches a symbol name, return self.action(symbol); otherwise, return the symbol unchanged.""" def __init__(self, pattern, action): """Initialize a _RegexpStrategyRule. PATTERN is a string that will be treated as a regexp pattern. PATTERN must match a full symbol name for the rule to apply (i.e., it is anchored at the beginning and end of the symbol name). ACTION is the class representing how the symbol should be converted. It should be one of the classes Branch, Tag, or ExcludedSymbol. If PATTERN matches a symbol name, then get_symbol() returns ACTION(name, id); otherwise it returns SYMBOL unchanged.""" try: self.regexp = re.compile('^' + pattern + '$') except re.error: raise FatalError("%r is not a valid regexp." % (pattern,)) self.action = action def log(self, symbol): raise NotImplementedError() def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol elif self.regexp.match(symbol.name): self.log(symbol) return self.action(symbol) else: return symbol class ForceBranchRegexpStrategyRule(_RegexpStrategyRule): """Force symbols matching pattern to be branches.""" def __init__(self, pattern): _RegexpStrategyRule.__init__(self, pattern, Branch) def log(self, symbol): Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because it matches regexp "%s".' % (symbol, self.regexp.pattern,) ) class ForceTagRegexpStrategyRule(_RegexpStrategyRule): """Force symbols matching pattern to be tags.""" def __init__(self, pattern): _RegexpStrategyRule.__init__(self, pattern, Tag) def log(self, symbol): Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a tag because it matches regexp "%s".' % (symbol, self.regexp.pattern,) ) class ExcludeRegexpStrategyRule(_RegexpStrategyRule): """Exclude symbols matching pattern.""" def __init__(self, pattern): _RegexpStrategyRule.__init__(self, pattern, ExcludedSymbol) def log(self, symbol): Log().verbose( 'Excluding symbol %s because it matches regexp "%s".' % (symbol, self.regexp.pattern,) ) class ExcludeTrivialImportBranchRule(StrategyRule): """If a symbol is a trivial import branch, exclude it. A trivial import branch is defined to be a branch that only had a single import on it (no other kinds of commits) in every file in which it appeared. In most cases these branches are worthless.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol if stats.tag_create_count == 0 \ and stats.branch_create_count == stats.trivial_import_count: Log().verbose( 'Excluding branch %s because it is a trivial import branch.' % (symbol,) ) return ExcludedSymbol(symbol) else: return symbol class ExcludeVendorBranchRule(StrategyRule): """If a symbol is a pure vendor branch, exclude it. A pure vendor branch is defined to be a branch that only had imports on it (no other kinds of commits) in every file in which it appeared.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol if stats.tag_create_count == 0 \ and stats.branch_create_count == stats.pure_ntdb_count: Log().verbose( 'Excluding branch %s because it is a pure vendor branch.' % (symbol,) ) return ExcludedSymbol(symbol) else: return symbol class UnambiguousUsageRule(StrategyRule): """If a symbol is used unambiguously as a tag/branch, convert it as such.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol is_tag = stats.tag_create_count > 0 is_branch = stats.branch_create_count > 0 or stats.branch_commit_count > 0 if is_tag and is_branch: # Can't decide return symbol elif is_branch: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because it is always used ' 'as a branch.' % (symbol,) ) return Branch(symbol) elif is_tag: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a tag because it is always used ' 'as a tag.' % (symbol,) ) return Tag(symbol) else: # The symbol didn't appear at all: return symbol class BranchIfCommitsRule(StrategyRule): """If there was ever a commit on the symbol, convert it as a branch.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol elif stats.branch_commit_count > 0: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because there are commits on it.' % (symbol,) ) return Branch(symbol) else: return symbol class HeuristicStrategyRule(StrategyRule): """Convert symbol based on how often it was used as a branch/tag. Whichever happened more often determines how the symbol is converted.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol elif stats.tag_create_count >= stats.branch_create_count: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a tag because it is more often used ' 'as a tag.' % (symbol,) ) return Tag(symbol) else: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because it is more often used ' 'as a branch.' % (symbol,) ) return Branch(symbol) class AllBranchRule(StrategyRule): """Convert all symbols as branches. Usually this rule will appear after a list of more careful rules (including a general rule like UnambiguousUsageRule) and will therefore only apply to the symbols not handled earlier.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol else: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because no other rules applied.' % (symbol,) ) return Branch(symbol) class AllTagRule(StrategyRule): """Convert all symbols as tags. We don't worry about conflicts here; they will be caught later by SymbolStatistics.check_consistency(). Usually this rule will appear after a list of more careful rules (including a general rule like UnambiguousUsageRule) and will therefore only apply to the symbols not handled earlier.""" def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, (Trunk, TypedSymbol)): return symbol else: Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a tag because no other rules applied.' % (symbol,) ) return Tag(symbol) class TrunkPathRule(StrategyRule): """Set the base path for Trunk.""" def __init__(self, trunk_path): self.trunk_path = trunk_path def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, Trunk) and symbol.base_path is None: symbol.base_path = self.trunk_path return symbol class SymbolPathRule(StrategyRule): """Set the base paths for symbol LODs.""" def __init__(self, symbol_type, base_path): self.symbol_type = symbol_type self.base_path = base_path def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, self.symbol_type) and symbol.base_path is None: symbol.base_path = path_join(self.base_path, symbol.name) return symbol class BranchesPathRule(SymbolPathRule): """Set the base paths for Branch LODs.""" def __init__(self, branch_path): SymbolPathRule.__init__(self, Branch, branch_path) class TagsPathRule(SymbolPathRule): """Set the base paths for Tag LODs.""" def __init__(self, tag_path): SymbolPathRule.__init__(self, Tag, tag_path) class HeuristicPreferredParentRule(StrategyRule): """Use a heuristic rule to pick preferred parents. Pick the parent that should be preferred for any TypedSymbols. As parent, use the symbol that appeared most often as a possible parent of the symbol in question. If multiple symbols are tied, choose the one that comes first according to the Symbol class's natural sort order.""" def _get_preferred_parent(self, stats): """Return the LODs that are most often possible parents in STATS. Return the set of LinesOfDevelopment that appeared most often as possible parents. The return value might contain multiple symbols if multiple LinesOfDevelopment appeared the same number of times.""" best_count = -1 best_symbol = None for (symbol, count) in stats.possible_parents.items(): if count > best_count or (count == best_count and symbol < best_symbol): best_count = count best_symbol = symbol if best_symbol is None: return None else: return best_symbol def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if isinstance(symbol, TypedSymbol) and symbol.preferred_parent_id is None: preferred_parent = self._get_preferred_parent(stats) if preferred_parent is None: Log().verbose('%s has no preferred parent' % (symbol,)) else: symbol.preferred_parent_id = preferred_parent.id Log().verbose( 'The preferred parent of %s is %s' % (symbol, preferred_parent,) ) return symbol class ManualTrunkRule(StrategyRule): """Change the SVN path of Trunk LODs. Members: project_id -- (int or None) The id of the project whose trunk should be affected by this rule. If project_id is None, then the rule is not project-specific. svn_path -- (str) The SVN path that should be used as the base directory for this trunk. This member must not be None, though it may be the empty string for a single-project, trunk-only conversion. """ def __init__(self, project_id, svn_path): self.project_id = project_id self.svn_path = normalize_svn_path(svn_path, allow_empty=True) def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if (self.project_id is not None and self.project_id != stats.lod.project.id): return symbol if isinstance(symbol, Trunk): symbol.base_path = self.svn_path return symbol def convert_as_branch(symbol): Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a branch because of manual setting.' % (symbol,) ) return Branch(symbol) def convert_as_tag(symbol): Log().verbose( 'Converting symbol %s as a tag because of manual setting.' % (symbol,) ) return Tag(symbol) def exclude(symbol): Log().verbose( 'Excluding symbol %s because of manual setting.' % (symbol,) ) return ExcludedSymbol(symbol) class ManualSymbolRule(StrategyRule): """Change how particular symbols are converted. Members: project_id -- (int or None) The id of the project whose trunk should be affected by this rule. If project_id is None, then the rule is not project-specific. symbol_name -- (str) The name of the symbol that should be affected by this rule. conversion -- (callable or None) A callable that converts the symbol to its preferred output type. This should normally be one of (convert_as_branch, convert_as_tag, exclude). If this member is None, then this rule does not affect the symbol's output type. svn_path -- (str) The SVN path that should be used as the base directory for this trunk. This member must not be None, though it may be the empty string for a single-project, trunk-only conversion. parent_lod_name -- (str or None) The name of the line of development that should be preferred as the parent of this symbol. (The preferred parent is the line of development from which the symbol should sprout.) If this member is set to the string '.trunk.', then the symbol will be set to sprout directly from trunk. If this member is set to None, then this rule won't affect the symbol's parent. """ def __init__( self, project_id, symbol_name, conversion, svn_path, parent_lod_name ): self.project_id = project_id self.symbol_name = symbol_name self.conversion = conversion if svn_path is None: self.svn_path = None else: self.svn_path = normalize_svn_path(svn_path, allow_empty=True) self.parent_lod_name = parent_lod_name def _get_parent_by_id(self, parent_lod_name, stats): """Return the LOD object for the parent with name PARENT_LOD_NAME. STATS is the _Stats object describing a symbol whose parent needs to be determined from its name. If none of its possible parents has name PARENT_LOD_NAME, raise a SymbolPlanError.""" for pp in stats.possible_parents.keys(): if isinstance(pp, Trunk): pass elif pp.name == parent_lod_name: return pp else: parent_counts = stats.possible_parents.items() parent_counts.sort(lambda a,b: - cmp(a[1], b[1])) lines = [ '%s is not a valid parent for %s;' % (parent_lod_name, stats.lod,), ' possible parents (with counts):' ] for (symbol, count) in parent_counts: if isinstance(symbol, Trunk): lines.append(' .trunk. : %d' % count) else: lines.append(' %s : %d' % (symbol.name, count)) raise SymbolPlanError('\n'.join(lines)) def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): if (self.project_id is not None and self.project_id != stats.lod.project.id): return symbol elif isinstance(symbol, Trunk): return symbol elif self.symbol_name == stats.lod.name: if self.conversion is not None: symbol = self.conversion(symbol) if self.parent_lod_name is None: pass elif self.parent_lod_name == '.trunk.': symbol.preferred_parent_id = stats.lod.project.trunk_id else: symbol.preferred_parent_id = self._get_parent_by_id( self.parent_lod_name, stats ).id if self.svn_path is not None: symbol.base_path = self.svn_path return symbol class SymbolHintsFileRule(StrategyRule): """Use manual symbol configurations read from a file. The input file is line-oriented with the following format: [ []] Where the fields are separated by whitespace and project-id -- the numerical id of the Project to which the symbol belongs (numbered starting with 0). This field can be '.' if the rule is not project-specific. symbol-name -- the name of the symbol being specified, or '.trunk.' if the rule should apply to trunk. conversion -- how the symbol should be treated in the conversion. This is one of the following values: 'branch', 'tag', or 'exclude'. This field can be '.' if the rule shouldn't affect how the symbol is treated in the conversion. svn-path -- the SVN path that should serve as the root path of this LOD. The path should be expressed as a path relative to the SVN root directory, with or without a leading '/'. This field can be omitted or '.' if the rule shouldn't affect the LOD's SVN path. parent-lod-name -- the name of the LOD that should serve as this symbol's parent. This field can be omitted or '.' if the rule shouldn't affect the symbol's parent, or it can be '.trunk.' to indicate that the symbol should sprout from the project's trunk.""" comment_re = re.compile(r'^(\#|$)') conversion_map = { 'branch' : convert_as_branch, 'tag' : convert_as_tag, 'exclude' : exclude, '.' : None, } def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def start(self, symbol_statistics): self._rules = [] f = open(self.filename, 'r') for l in f: l = l.rstrip() s = l.lstrip() if self.comment_re.match(s): continue fields = s.split() if len(fields) < 3: raise FatalError( 'The following line in "%s" cannot be parsed:\n "%s"' % (self.filename, l,) ) project_id = fields.pop(0) symbol_name = fields.pop(0) conversion = fields.pop(0) if fields: svn_path = fields.pop(0) if svn_path == '.': svn_path = None elif svn_path[0] == '/': svn_path = svn_path[1:] else: svn_path = None if fields: parent_lod_name = fields.pop(0) else: parent_lod_name = '.' if fields: raise FatalError( 'The following line in "%s" cannot be parsed:\n "%s"' % (self.filename, l,) ) if project_id == '.': project_id = None else: try: project_id = int(project_id) except ValueError: raise FatalError( 'Illegal project_id in the following line:\n "%s"' % (l,) ) if symbol_name == '.trunk.': if conversion not in ['.', 'trunk']: raise FatalError('Trunk cannot be converted as a different type') if parent_lod_name != '.': raise FatalError('Trunk\'s parent cannot be set') if svn_path is None: # This rule doesn't do anything: pass else: self._rules.append(ManualTrunkRule(project_id, svn_path)) else: try: conversion = self.conversion_map[conversion] except KeyError: raise FatalError( 'Illegal conversion in the following line:\n "%s"' % (l,) ) if parent_lod_name == '.': parent_lod_name = None if conversion is None \ and svn_path is None \ and parent_lod_name is None: # There is nothing to be done: pass else: self._rules.append( ManualSymbolRule( project_id, symbol_name, conversion, svn_path, parent_lod_name ) ) for rule in self._rules: rule.start(symbol_statistics) def get_symbol(self, symbol, stats): for rule in self._rules: symbol = rule.get_symbol(symbol, stats) return symbol def finish(self): for rule in self._rules: rule.finish() del self._rules