# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.) # # ==================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2000-2009 CollabNet. All rights reserved. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html. # If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a # newer version instead, at your option. # # This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many # individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision # history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/. # ==================================================================== """This module contains the RepositoryMirror class and supporting classes. RepositoryMirror represents the skeleton of a versioned file tree with multiple lines of development ('LODs'). It records the presence or absence of files and directories, but not their contents. Given three values (revnum, lod, cvs_path), it can tell you whether the specified CVSPath existed on the specified LOD in the given revision number. The file trees corresponding to the most recent revision can be modified. The individual file trees are stored using immutable tree structures. Each directory node is represented as a MirrorDirectory instance, which is basically a map {cvs_path : node_id}, where cvs_path is a CVSPath within the directory, and node_id is an integer ID that uniquely identifies another directory node if that node is a CVSDirectory, or None if that node is a CVSFile. If a directory node is to be modified, then first a new node is created with a copy of the original node's contents, then the copy is modified. A reference to the copy also has to be stored in the parent node, meaning that the parent node needs to be modified, and so on recursively to the root node of the file tree. This data structure allows cheap deep copies, which is useful for tagging and branching. The class must also be able to find the root directory node corresponding to a particular (revnum, lod). This is done by keeping an LODHistory instance for each LOD, which can determine the root directory node ID for that LOD for any revnum. It does so by recording changes to the root directory node ID only for revisions in which it changed. Thus it stores two arrays, revnums (a list of the revision numbers when the ID changed), and ids (a list of the corresponding IDs). To find the ID for a particular revnum, first a binary search is done in the revnums array to find the index of the last change preceding revnum, then the corresponding ID is read from the ids array. Since most revisions change only one LOD, this allows storage of the history of potentially tens of thousands of LODs over hundreds of thousands of revisions in an amount of space that scales as O(numberOfLODs + numberOfRevisions), rather than O(numberOfLODs * numberOfRevisions) as would be needed if the information were stored in the equivalent of a 2D array. The internal operation of these classes is somewhat intricate, but the interface attempts to hide the complexity, enforce the usage rules, and allow efficient access. The most important facts to remember are (1) that a directory node can be used for multiple purposes (for multiple branches and for multiple revisions on a single branch), (2) that only a node that has been created within the current revision is allowed to be mutated, and (3) that the current revision can include nodes carried over from prior revisions, which are immutable. This leads to a bewildering variety of MirrorDirectory classes. The most important distinction is between OldMirrorDirectories and CurrentMirrorDirectories. A single node can be represented multiple ways in memory at the same time, depending on whether it was looked up as part of the current revision or part of an old revision: MirrorDirectory -- the base class for all MirrorDirectory nodes. This class allows lookup of subnodes and iteration over subnodes. OldMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that was looked up for an old revision. These instances are immutable, as only the current revision is allowed to be modified. CurrentMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that was looked up for the current revision. Such an instance is always logically mutable, though mutating it might require the node to be copied first. Such an instance might represent a node that has already been copied during this revision and can therefore be modified freely (such nodes implement _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin), or it might represent a node that was carried over from an old revision and hasn't been copied yet (such nodes implement _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin). If the latter, then the node copies itself (and bubbles up the change) before allowing itself to be modified. But the distinction is managed internally; client classes should not have to worry about it. CurrentMirrorLODDirectory -- A CurrentMirrorDirectory representing the root directory of a line of development in the current revision. This class has two concrete subclasses, _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory and _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory, depending on whether the node has already been copied during this revision. CurrentMirrorSubdirectory -- A CurrentMirrorDirectory representing a subdirectory within a line of development's directory tree in the current revision. This class has two concrete subclasses, _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory and _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory, depending on whether the node has already been copied during this revision. DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory -- a MirrorDirectory that has been deleted. Such an instance is disabled so that it cannot accidentally be used. While a revision is being processed, RepositoryMirror._new_nodes holds every writable CurrentMirrorDirectory instance (i.e., every node that has been created in the revision). Since these nodes are mutable, it is important that there be exactly one instance associated with each node; otherwise there would be problems keeping the instances synchronized. These are written to the database by RepositoryMirror.end_commit(). OldMirrorDirectory and read-only CurrentMirrorDirectory instances are *not* cached; they are recreated whenever they are referenced. There might be multiple instances referring to the same node. A read-only CurrentMirrorDirectory instance is mutated in place into a writable CurrentMirrorDirectory instance if it needs to be modified. FIXME: The rules for when a MirrorDirectory instance can continue to be used vs. when it has to be read again (because it has been modified indirectly and therefore copied) are confusing and error-prone. Probably the semantics should be changed. """ import bisect from cvs2svn_lib import config from cvs2svn_lib.common import DB_OPEN_NEW from cvs2svn_lib.common import InternalError from cvs2svn_lib.log import Log from cvs2svn_lib.context import Ctx from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_file import CVSFile from cvs2svn_lib.cvs_file import CVSDirectory from cvs2svn_lib.key_generator import KeyGenerator from cvs2svn_lib.artifact_manager import artifact_manager from cvs2svn_lib.serializer import MarshalSerializer from cvs2svn_lib.database import IndexedDatabase class RepositoryMirrorError(Exception): """An error related to the RepositoryMirror.""" pass class LODExistsError(RepositoryMirrorError): """The LOD already exists in the repository. Exception raised if an attempt is made to add an LOD to the repository mirror and that LOD already exists in the youngest revision of the repository.""" pass class PathExistsError(RepositoryMirrorError): """The path already exists in the repository. Exception raised if an attempt is made to add a path to the repository mirror and that path already exists in the youngest revision of the repository.""" pass class DeletedNodeReusedError(RepositoryMirrorError): """The MirrorDirectory has already been deleted and shouldn't be reused.""" pass class CopyFromCurrentNodeError(RepositoryMirrorError): """A CurrentMirrorDirectory cannot be copied to the current revision.""" pass class MirrorDirectory(object): """Represent a node within the RepositoryMirror. Instances of this class act like a map {CVSPath : MirrorDirectory}, where CVSPath is an item within this directory (i.e., a file or subdirectory within this directory). The value is either another MirrorDirectory instance (for directories) or None (for files).""" def __init__(self, repo, id, entries): # The RepositoryMirror containing this directory: self.repo = repo # The id of this node: self.id = id # The entries within this directory, stored as a map {CVSPath : # node_id}. The node_ids are integers for CVSDirectories, None # for CVSFiles: self._entries = entries def __getitem__(self, cvs_path): """Return the MirrorDirectory associated with the specified subnode. Return a MirrorDirectory instance if the subnode is a CVSDirectory; None if it is a CVSFile. Raise KeyError if the specified subnode does not exist.""" raise NotImplementedError() def __len__(self): """Return the number of CVSPaths within this node.""" return len(self._entries) def __contains__(self, cvs_path): """Return True iff CVS_PATH is contained in this node.""" return cvs_path in self._entries def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the CVSPaths within this node.""" return self._entries.__iter__() def _format_entries(self): """Format the entries map for output in subclasses' __repr__() methods.""" def format_item(key, value): if value is None: return str(key) else: return '%s -> %x' % (key, value,) items = self._entries.items() items.sort() return '{%s}' % (', '.join([format_item(*item) for item in items]),) def __str__(self): """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time.""" return '%s<%x>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id,) class OldMirrorDirectory(MirrorDirectory): """Represent a historical directory within the RepositoryMirror.""" def __getitem__(self, cvs_path): id = self._entries[cvs_path] if id is None: # This represents a leaf node. return None else: return OldMirrorDirectory(self.repo, id, self.repo._node_db[id]) def __repr__(self): """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time.""" return '%s(%s)' % (self, self._format_entries(),) class CurrentMirrorDirectory(MirrorDirectory): """Represent a directory that currently exists in the RepositoryMirror.""" def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, entries): MirrorDirectory.__init__(self, repo, id, entries) self.lod = lod self.cvs_path = cvs_path def __getitem__(self, cvs_path): id = self._entries[cvs_path] if id is None: # This represents a leaf node. return None else: try: return self.repo._new_nodes[id] except KeyError: return _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory( self.repo, id, self.lod, cvs_path, self, self.repo._node_db[id] ) def __setitem__(self, cvs_path, node): """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node. CVS_PATH is the path of the subnode. NODE will be the new value of the node; for CVSDirectories it should be a MirrorDirectory instance; for CVSFiles it should be None.""" if isinstance(node, DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory): raise DeletedNodeReusedError( '%r has already been deleted and should not be reused' % (node,) ) elif isinstance(node, CurrentMirrorDirectory): raise CopyFromCurrentNodeError( '%r was created in the current node and cannot be copied' % (node,) ) else: self._set_entry(cvs_path, node) def __delitem__(self, cvs_path): """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH. If the node does not exist, then raise a KeyError.""" node = self[cvs_path] self._del_entry(cvs_path) if isinstance(node, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin): node._mark_deleted() def mkdir(self, cvs_directory): """Create an empty subdirectory of this node at CVS_PATH. Return the CurrentDirectory that was created.""" assert isinstance(cvs_directory, CVSDirectory) if cvs_directory in self: raise PathExistsError( 'Attempt to create directory \'%s\' in %s in repository mirror ' 'when it already exists.' % (cvs_directory, self.lod,) ) new_node = _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory( self.repo, self.repo._key_generator.gen_id(), self.lod, cvs_directory, self, {} ) self._set_entry(cvs_directory, new_node) self.repo._new_nodes[new_node.id] = new_node return new_node def add_file(self, cvs_file): """Create a file within this node at CVS_FILE.""" assert isinstance(cvs_file, CVSFile) if cvs_file in self: raise PathExistsError( 'Attempt to create file \'%s\' in %s in repository mirror ' 'when it already exists.' % (cvs_file, self.lod,) ) self._set_entry(cvs_file, None) def __repr__(self): """For convenience only. The format is subject to change at any time.""" return '%s(%r, %r, %s)' % ( self, self.lod, self.cvs_path, self._format_entries(), ) class DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory(object): """A MirrorDirectory that has been deleted. A MirrorDirectory that used to be a _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin but then was deleted. Such instances are turned into this class so that nobody can accidentally mutate them again.""" pass class _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin: """Mixin for MirrorDirectories that are already writable. A MirrorDirectory is writable if it has already been recreated during the current revision.""" def _set_entry(self, cvs_path, node): """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node, with no checks.""" if node is None: self._entries[cvs_path] = None else: self._entries[cvs_path] = node.id def _del_entry(self, cvs_path): """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH, with no checks.""" del self._entries[cvs_path] def _mark_deleted(self): """Mark this object and any writable descendants as being deleted.""" self.__class__ = DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory for (cvs_path, id) in self._entries.iteritems(): if id in self.repo._new_nodes: node = self[cvs_path] if isinstance(node, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin): # Mark deleted and recurse: node._mark_deleted() class _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin: """Mixin for a CurrentMirrorDirectory that hasn't yet been made writable.""" def _make_writable(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _set_entry(self, cvs_path, node): """Create or overwrite a subnode of this node, with no checks.""" self._make_writable() self._set_entry(cvs_path, node) def _del_entry(self, cvs_path): """Remove the subnode of this node at CVS_PATH, with no checks.""" self._make_writable() self._del_entry(cvs_path) class CurrentMirrorLODDirectory(CurrentMirrorDirectory): """Represent an LOD's main directory in the mirror's current version.""" def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, entries): CurrentMirrorDirectory.__init__( self, repo, id, lod, lod.project.get_root_cvs_directory(), entries ) def delete(self): """Remove the directory represented by this object.""" lod_history = self.repo._get_lod_history(self.lod) assert lod_history.exists() lod_history.update(self.repo._youngest, None) self._mark_deleted() class _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory( CurrentMirrorLODDirectory, _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin ): """Represent an LOD's main directory in the mirror's current version.""" def _make_writable(self): self.__class__ = _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory # Create a new ID: self.id = self.repo._key_generator.gen_id() self.repo._new_nodes[self.id] = self self.repo._get_lod_history(self.lod).update(self.repo._youngest, self.id) self._entries = self._entries.copy() class _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory( CurrentMirrorLODDirectory, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin ): pass class CurrentMirrorSubdirectory(CurrentMirrorDirectory): """Represent a subdirectory in the mirror's current version.""" def __init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, parent_mirror_dir, entries): CurrentMirrorDirectory.__init__(self, repo, id, lod, cvs_path, entries) self.parent_mirror_dir = parent_mirror_dir def delete(self): """Remove the directory represented by this object.""" del self.parent_mirror_dir[self.cvs_path] class _CurrentMirrorReadOnlySubdirectory( CurrentMirrorSubdirectory, _ReadOnlyMirrorDirectoryMixin ): """Represent a subdirectory in the mirror's current version.""" def _make_writable(self): self.__class__ = _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory # Create a new ID: self.id = self.repo._key_generator.gen_id() self.repo._new_nodes[self.id] = self self.parent_mirror_dir._set_entry(self.cvs_path, self) self._entries = self._entries.copy() class _CurrentMirrorWritableSubdirectory( CurrentMirrorSubdirectory, _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin ): pass class LODHistory(object): """The history of root nodes for a line of development. Members: _mirror -- (RepositoryMirror) the RepositoryMirror that manages this LODHistory. lod -- (LineOfDevelopment) the LOD described by this LODHistory. revnums -- (list of int) the revision numbers in which the id changed, in numerical order. ids -- (list of (int or None)) the ID of the node describing the root of this LOD starting at the corresponding revision number, or None if the LOD did not exist in that revision. To find the root id for a given revision number, a binary search is done within REVNUMS to find the index of the most recent revision at the time of REVNUM, then that index is used to read the id out of IDS. A sentry is written at the zeroth index of both arrays to describe the initial situation, namely, that the LOD doesn't exist in revision r0.""" __slots__ = ['_mirror', 'lod', 'revnums', 'ids'] def __init__(self, mirror, lod): self._mirror = mirror self.lod = lod self.revnums = [0] self.ids = [None] def get_id(self, revnum): """Get the ID of the root path for this LOD in REVNUM. Raise KeyError if this LOD didn't exist in REVNUM.""" index = bisect.bisect_right(self.revnums, revnum) - 1 id = self.ids[index] if id is None: raise KeyError() return id def get_current_id(self): """Get the ID of the root path for this LOD in the current revision. Raise KeyError if this LOD doesn't currently exist.""" id = self.ids[-1] if id is None: raise KeyError() return id def exists(self): """Return True iff LOD exists in the current revision.""" return self.ids[-1] is not None def update(self, revnum, id): """Indicate that the root node of this LOD changed to ID at REVNUM. REVNUM is a revision number that must be the same as that of the previous recorded change (in which case the previous change is overwritten) or later (in which the new change is appended). ID can be a node ID, or it can be None to indicate that this LOD ceased to exist in REVNUM.""" if revnum < self.revnums[-1]: raise KeyError() elif revnum == self.revnums[-1]: # This is an attempt to overwrite an entry that was already # updated during this revision. Don't allow the replacement # None -> None or allow one new id to be replaced with another: old_id = self.ids[-1] if old_id is None and id is None: raise InternalError( 'ID changed from None -> None for %s, r%d' % (self.lod, revnum,) ) elif (old_id is not None and id is not None and old_id in self._mirror._new_nodes): raise InternalError( 'ID changed from %x -> %x for %s, r%d' % (old_id, id, self.lod, revnum,) ) self.ids[-1] = id else: self.revnums.append(revnum) self.ids.append(id) class _NodeDatabase(object): """A database storing all of the directory nodes. The nodes are written in groups every time write_new_nodes() is called. To the database is written a dictionary {node_id : [(cvs_path.id, node_id),...]}, where the keys are the node_ids of the new nodes. When a node is read, its whole group is read and cached under the assumption that the other nodes in the group are likely to be needed soon. The cache is retained across revisions and cleared when _cache_max_size is exceeded. The dictionaries for nodes that have been read from the database during the current revision are cached by node_id in the _cache member variable. The corresponding dictionaries are *not* copied when read. To avoid cross-talk between distinct MirrorDirectory instances that have the same node_id, users of these dictionaries have to copy them before modification.""" # How many entries should be allowed in the cache for each # CVSDirectory in the repository. (This number is very roughly the # number of complete lines of development that can be stored in the # cache at one time.) CACHE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 5 # But the cache will never be limited to less than this number: MIN_CACHE_LIMIT = 5000 def __init__(self): self.cvs_file_db = Ctx()._cvs_file_db self.db = IndexedDatabase( artifact_manager.get_temp_file(config.MIRROR_NODES_STORE), artifact_manager.get_temp_file(config.MIRROR_NODES_INDEX_TABLE), DB_OPEN_NEW, serializer=MarshalSerializer(), ) # A list of the maximum node_id stored by each call to # write_new_nodes(): self._max_node_ids = [0] # A map {node_id : {cvs_path : node_id}}: self._cache = {} # The number of directories in the repository: num_dirs = len([ cvs_path for cvs_path in self.cvs_file_db.itervalues() if isinstance(cvs_path, CVSDirectory) ]) self._cache_max_size = max( int(self.CACHE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER * num_dirs), self.MIN_CACHE_LIMIT, ) def _load(self, items): retval = {} for (id, value) in items: retval[self.cvs_file_db.get_file(id)] = value return retval def _dump(self, node): return [ (cvs_path.id, value) for (cvs_path, value) in node.iteritems() ] def _determine_index(self, id): """Return the index of the record holding the node with ID.""" return bisect.bisect_left(self._max_node_ids, id) def __getitem__(self, id): try: items = self._cache[id] except KeyError: index = self._determine_index(id) for (node_id, items) in self.db[index].items(): self._cache[node_id] = self._load(items) items = self._cache[id] return items def write_new_nodes(self, nodes): """Write NODES to the database. NODES is an iterable of writable CurrentMirrorDirectory instances.""" if len(self._cache) > self._cache_max_size: # The size of the cache has exceeded the threshold. Discard the # old cache values (but still store the new nodes into the # cache): Log().debug('Clearing node cache') self._cache.clear() data = {} max_node_id = 0 for node in nodes: max_node_id = max(max_node_id, node.id) data[node.id] = self._dump(node._entries) self._cache[node.id] = node._entries self.db[len(self._max_node_ids)] = data if max_node_id == 0: # Rewrite last value: self._max_node_ids.append(self._max_node_ids[-1]) else: self._max_node_ids.append(max_node_id) def close(self): self._cache.clear() self.db.close() self.db = None class RepositoryMirror: """Mirror a repository and its history. Mirror a repository as it is constructed, one revision at a time. For each LineOfDevelopment we store a skeleton of the directory structure within that LOD for each revnum in which it changed. For each LOD that has been seen so far, an LODHistory instance is stored in self._lod_histories. An LODHistory keeps track of each revnum in which files were added to or deleted from that LOD, as well as the node id of the root of the node tree describing the LOD contents at that revision. The LOD trees themselves are stored in the _node_db database, which maps node ids to nodes. A node is a map from CVSPath to ids of the corresponding subnodes. The _node_db is stored on disk and each access is expensive. The _node_db database only holds the nodes for old revisions. The revision that is being constructed is kept in memory in the _new_nodes map, which is cheap to access. You must invoke start_commit() before each commit and end_commit() afterwards.""" def register_artifacts(self, which_pass): """Register the artifacts that will be needed for this object.""" artifact_manager.register_temp_file( config.MIRROR_NODES_INDEX_TABLE, which_pass ) artifact_manager.register_temp_file( config.MIRROR_NODES_STORE, which_pass ) def open(self): """Set up the RepositoryMirror and prepare it for commits.""" self._key_generator = KeyGenerator() # A map from LOD to LODHistory instance for all LODs that have # been referenced so far: self._lod_histories = {} # This corresponds to the 'nodes' table in a Subversion fs. (We # don't need a 'representations' or 'strings' table because we # only track file existence, not file contents.) self._node_db = _NodeDatabase() # Start at revision 0 without a root node. self._youngest = 0 def start_commit(self, revnum): """Start a new commit.""" assert revnum > self._youngest self._youngest = revnum # A map {node_id : _WritableMirrorDirectoryMixin}. self._new_nodes = {} def end_commit(self): """Called at the end of each commit. This method copies the newly created nodes to the on-disk nodes db.""" # Copy the new nodes to the _node_db self._node_db.write_new_nodes([ node for node in self._new_nodes.values() if not isinstance(node, DeletedCurrentMirrorDirectory) ]) del self._new_nodes def _get_lod_history(self, lod): """Return the LODHistory instance describing LOD. Create a new (empty) LODHistory if it doesn't yet exist.""" try: return self._lod_histories[lod] except KeyError: lod_history = LODHistory(self, lod) self._lod_histories[lod] = lod_history return lod_history def get_old_lod_directory(self, lod, revnum): """Return the directory for the root path of LOD at revision REVNUM. Return an instance of MirrorDirectory if the path exists; otherwise, raise KeyError.""" lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod) id = lod_history.get_id(revnum) return OldMirrorDirectory(self, id, self._node_db[id]) def get_old_path(self, cvs_path, lod, revnum): """Return the node for CVS_PATH from LOD at REVNUM. If CVS_PATH is a CVSDirectory, then return an instance of OldMirrorDirectory. If CVS_PATH is a CVSFile, return None. If CVS_PATH does not exist in the specified LOD and REVNUM, raise KeyError.""" node = self.get_old_lod_directory(lod, revnum) for sub_path in cvs_path.get_ancestry()[1:]: node = node[sub_path] return node def get_current_lod_directory(self, lod): """Return the directory for the root path of LOD in the current revision. Return an instance of CurrentMirrorDirectory. Raise KeyError if the path doesn't already exist.""" lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod) id = lod_history.get_current_id() try: return self._new_nodes[id] except KeyError: return _CurrentMirrorReadOnlyLODDirectory( self, id, lod, self._node_db[id] ) def get_current_path(self, cvs_path, lod): """Return the node for CVS_PATH from LOD in the current revision. If CVS_PATH is a CVSDirectory, then return an instance of CurrentMirrorDirectory. If CVS_PATH is a CVSFile, return None. If CVS_PATH does not exist in the current revision of the specified LOD, raise KeyError.""" node = self.get_current_lod_directory(lod) for sub_path in cvs_path.get_ancestry()[1:]: node = node[sub_path] return node def add_lod(self, lod): """Create a new LOD in this repository. Return the CurrentMirrorDirectory that was created. If the LOD already exists, raise LODExistsError.""" lod_history = self._get_lod_history(lod) if lod_history.exists(): raise LODExistsError( 'Attempt to create %s in repository mirror when it already exists.' % (lod,) ) new_node = _CurrentMirrorWritableLODDirectory( self, self._key_generator.gen_id(), lod, {} ) lod_history.update(self._youngest, new_node.id) self._new_nodes[new_node.id] = new_node return new_node def copy_lod(self, src_lod, dest_lod, src_revnum): """Copy all of SRC_LOD at SRC_REVNUM to DST_LOD. In the youngest revision of the repository, the destination LOD *must not* already exist. Return the new node at DEST_LOD, as a CurrentMirrorDirectory.""" # Get the node of our src_path src_node = self.get_old_lod_directory(src_lod, src_revnum) dest_lod_history = self._get_lod_history(dest_lod) if dest_lod_history.exists(): raise LODExistsError( 'Attempt to copy to %s in repository mirror when it already exists.' % (dest_lod,) ) dest_lod_history.update(self._youngest, src_node.id) # Return src_node, except packaged up as a CurrentMirrorDirectory: return self.get_current_lod_directory(dest_lod) def close(self): """Free resources and close databases.""" self._lod_histories = None self._node_db.close() self._node_db = None