Gnome 3.24.2 Stable Progress

contact if anything is not correct
Generated UTC date: Sat Aug 24 16:36:52 2019

Compliant Packages: 157 (85.79%)
Packages requiring update: 3 (1.64%)
Packages missing from tree: 8 (4.37%)

Package NamePortage VersionOfficial VersionLatest Version
networkmanager 1.16.0 1.6.2 1.6.4
adwaita-icon-theme 3.30.1 3.24.0 3.24.0
at-spi2-atk 2.30.1 2.24.1 2.24.1
at-spi2-core 2.30.1 2.24.1 2.24.1
atk 2.30.0 2.24.0 2.24.0
atkmm 2.28.0 2.24.2 2.24.3
baobab 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
cantarell 0.111 0.0.25 0.0.25
caribou 0.4.21 0.4.21 0.4.21
cheese 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
clutter 1.26.2 1.26.0 1.26.2
clutter-gst 3.0.27 3.0.24 3.0.27
clutter-gtk 1.8.4 1.8.2 1.8.4
cogl 1.22.2 1.22.2 1.22.4
dconf 0.30.1 0.26.0 0.26.1
eog 3.28.4 3.24.1 3.24.1
epiphany 3.30.4 3.24.2 3.24.5
evince 3.30.2 3.24.0 3.24.2
evolution-data-server 3.30.5 3.24.2 3.24.7
file-roller 3.30.1 3.24.1 3.24.1
folks 0.11.4 0.11.3 0.11.4
gcab 1.2 0.7 0.7
gcr 3.28.1 3.20.0 3.20.0
gdk-pixbuf 2.38.1 2.36.6 2.36.12
gdm 3.30.3 3.24.2 3.24.3
gedit 3.30.2 3.22.0 3.22.1
geocode-glib 3.26.1 3.23.90 3.24.0
gjs 1.54.3 1.48.3 1.48.7
dev-libs/glib 2.58.3 2.52.2 2.52.3
glib-networking 2.58.0 2.50.0 2.50.0
glibmm 2.58.1 2.54.1
glibmm 2.58.1 2.50.1 2.54.1
gmime 3.2.3 3.0.0 3.0.5
gnome-backgrounds 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-bluetooth 3.28.2 3.20.1 3.20.1
gnome-boxes 3.30.3 3.24.0 3.24.1
gnome-calculator 3.30.1 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-calendar 3.30.1 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-characters 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-clocks 3.30.1 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-color-manager 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-contacts 3.30.2 3.22.1 3.22.1
gnome-control-center 3.30.3 3.24.2 3.24.4
gnome-desktop 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-disk-utility 3.30.2 3.24.1 3.24.1
gnome-documents 3.30.1 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-font-viewer 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-getting-started-docs 3.30.0 3.24.1 3.24.1
gnome-initial-setup None 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-keyring 3.28.2 3.20.0 3.20.1
gnome-logs 3.30.0 3.24.1 3.24.2
gnome-maps 3.30.3 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-menus 3.13.3 3.13.3 3.13.3
gnome-online-accounts 3.30.2 3.24.0 3.24.5
gnome-online-miners 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-photos 3.30.1 3.24.2 3.24.6
gnome-screenshot 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-session 3.30.1 3.24.1 3.24.2
gnome-settings-daemon 3.30.2 3.24.2 3.24.4
gnome-shell 3.30.2 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-shell-extensions 3.30.1 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-software None 3.24.2 3.24.3
gnome-system-monitor 3.30.0 3.22.2 3.22.2
gnome-terminal 3.30.3 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-themes-standard 3.28 3.22.3 3.22.3
gnome-user-docs 3.30.2 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-user-share 3.28.0 3.18.3 3.18.3
gnome-video-effects 0.4.3 0.4.3 0.4.3
gnome-weather 3.26.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
gobject-introspection 1.58.3 1.52.1 1.52.1
dev-libs/gom 0.3.2 0.3.2 0.3.3
graphene 1.8.6 1.6.0 1.6.2
grilo 0.3.7 0.3.3 0.3.9
grilo-plugins 0.3.8 0.3.4 0.3.9
gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.28.1 3.24.0 3.24.1
gsound 1.0.2 1.0.2 1.0.2
gspell 1.6.1 1.5.1 1.6.1
gssdp 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.3
gtk+ 3.24.8 3.90.0 3.90.0
gtk+ 3.24.8 3.22.15 3.90.0
gtk-doc 1.25 1.25 1.26
gtk-engines 2.20.2 2.20.2 2.20.2
gtk-vnc 0.9.0 0.7.0 0.7.2
gtkmm 3.24.1
gtkmm 3.24.1 3.22.0
gtksourceview 4.2.0 3.99.4 3.99.7
gtksourceview 4.2.0 3.24.1 3.99.7
gupnp 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.4
gupnp-av 0.12.11 0.12.10 0.12.11
gupnp-dlna 0.10.5 0.10.5 0.10.5
gupnp-igd 0.2.5 0.2.4 0.2.5
gvfs 1.38.3 1.32.1 1.32.2
json-glib 1.4.4 1.2.8 1.2.8
libchamplain 0.12.19 0.12.15 0.12.19
libcroco 0.6.13 0.6.12 0.6.13
libgdata 0.17.9 0.17.8 0.17.11
libgee 0.20.1 0.20.0 0.20.2
libgepub 0.6.0 0.4 0.4
libgfbgraph 0.2.3 0.2.3 0.2.3
libgnomekbd 3.26.1
libgovirt None 0.3.4 0.3.6
libgrss 0.7.0 0.7.0 0.7.0
libgsf 1.14.43 1.14.41 1.14.46
libgtop 2.38.0 2.36.0 2.36.0
libgweather 3.28.3 3.24.0 3.24.1
libgxps 0.3.1 0.2.5 0.2.5
libhttpseverywhere None 0.4.3 0.4.8
libmediaart 1.9.4 1.9.1 1.9.4
libnotify 0.7.7 0.7.7 0.7.8
libpeas 1.22.0 1.20.0 1.20.0
rest 0.8.1 0.8.0 0.8.1
librsvg 2.40.20 2.40.17 2.40.20
libsecret 0.18.8 0.18.5 0.18.8
libsigc++ 2.10.1 2.99.8 2.99.13
libsigc++ 2.10.1 2.10.0 2.99.13
libsoup 2.64.2 2.58.1 2.58.2
libwnck 3.30.0 3.20.1 3.20.1
libxml2 2.9.9 2.6.30 2.6.30
libxslt 1.1.33 1.1.22 1.1.22
libzapojit 0.0.3 0.0.3 0.0.3
mm-common 0.9.12 0.9.10 0.9.12
mousetweaks 3.12.0 3.12.0 3.12.0
mutter 3.30.2 3.24.2 3.24.4
nautilus 3.30.5 3.24.1
nm-applet 1.8.20 1.8.0 1.8.22
orca 3.30.2 3.24.0 3.24.0
x11-libs/pango 1.42.4 1.40.5 1.40.14
pangomm 2.42.0 2.41.3 2.42.0
pangomm 2.42.0 2.40.1 2.42.0
phodav 2.2 2.2 2.2
pyatspi 2.30.0 2.24.0 2.24.0
pygobject 3.32.1 3.24.1 3.24.1
sushi 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
totem 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
totem-pl-parser 3.26.3 3.10.7 3.10.8
tracker 2.1.8 1.12.0 1.12.4
vala 0.42.7 0.36.3 0.36.20
vino 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
x11-libs/vte 0.54.4 0.48.3 0.48.4
yelp 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
yelp-tools 3.28.0 3.18.0 3.18.0
yelp-xsl 3.30.1 3.20.1 3.20.1
zenity 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
accerciser 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
aisleriot None 3.22.2 3.22.8
dconf-editor 3.30.2 3.23.4 3.24.3
devhelp 3.30.1 3.24.0 3.24.0
empathy 3.12.14 3.12.13 3.12.14
evolution 3.30.5 3.24.2 3.24.6
five-or-more 3.30.0 3.22.2 3.22.2
four-in-a-row 3.28.0 3.22.1 3.22.2
ghex 3.18.3 3.18.3 3.18.4
gitg 3.32.1 3.24.0 3.24.0
dev-util/glade 3.20.4 3.20.0 3.20.4
gnome-builder 3.30.3 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-chess 3.30.1 3.24.1 3.24.1
gnome-devel-docs 3.30.2 3.22.1 3.22.1
gnome-dictionary 3.26.1 3.24.0 3.24.1
gnome-klotski 3.22.3 3.22.1 3.22.3
gnome-mahjongg 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-mines 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-multi-writer None 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-music 3.30.2 3.24.2 3.24.2
gnome-nettool 3.8.1 3.8.1 3.8.1
gnome-nibbles 3.24.1 3.24.0 3.24.1
gnome-robots 3.22.3 3.22.1 3.22.3
gnome-sound-recorder 3.28.2
gnome-sudoku 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
gnome-taquin 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-tetravex 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
gnome-todo None 3.24.1 3.24.2
gnome-tweak-tool None 3.24.0 3.24.1
hitori 3.22.4 3.22.3 3.22.4
iagno 3.30.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
lightsoff 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
nautilus-sendto 3.8.6 3.8.4 3.8.6
nemiver 0.9.6 0.9.6 0.9.6
polari 3.30.2 3.24.1 3.24.2
quadrapassel 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0
rygel 0.36.2 0.34.0 0.34.0
seahorse 3.20.0 3.20.0
swell-foop 3.30.0 3.24.0 3.24.0
tali 3.22.0 3.22.0 3.22.0

Official Version: GNOME release teams blessed version for the whole GNOME-3.24.2 set
Latest Version: Latest available version release of the same GNOME release cycle