#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file gives parameters value to complete installation # NOTE : Python syntax MUST be respected ! # # IN MOST OF THE CASES YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SET ANY OPTIONS. # THE SETUP PROCESS WILL DETECT THEM FOR YOU. # ONLY ADD OPTIONS IF THE AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION FAILED. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # numpy is required. You may need to set PYTHONPATH before running setup.py # to make it able to import numpy. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code_Aster toplevel directory (ex: /aster, /opt/aster...) ASTER_ROOT='/opt/aster' # astk configuration (for network capabilities) # Let the setup configure it for you or define the 3 following parameters : # Example for a stand-alone server (no other remote astk server) #SERVER_NAME='localhost' #DOMAIN_NAME='localdomain' #FULL_SERVER_NAME='%s.%s' % (SERVER_NAME, DOMAIN_NAME) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilers # The setup tries to find automatically your compilers and math libraries. # You can set PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables before running setup.py # to add paths in search list. # # You may want to select different compilers for products # Example : PREFER_COMPILER_med = 'GNU' # Default values are : # GNU compiler for all products PREFER_COMPILER = 'GNU' # If you have another compilers you should uncomment following lines: # (aster, mumps, metis, metis-edf) # Note the "-" replaced by "_" #PREFER_COMPILER_aster = 'Intel' # or #PREFER_COMPILER_aster = 'Open64' # or #PREFER_COMPILER_aster = 'Pathscale' #PREFER_COMPILER_mumps = PREFER_COMPILER_aster #PREFER_COMPILER_metis = PREFER_COMPILER_aster # There are also variants : # Intel_without_MATH, GNU_without_MATH, Open64_without_MATH, Pathscale_without_MATH # but if you choose one of these you MUST set your mathematical libraries # argument using MATHLIB. # Example : PREFER_COMPILER='Intel_without_MATH' # and MATHLIB = '-L/path_to_acml_libs -lacml' # You may want to specify the values yourself by defining # these variables : CC, F90, CXX, LD, DEFINED, # CFLAGS, F90FLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, # MATHLIB, CXXLIB, OTHERLIB # (these values will be common to ALL products) # The script searchs recursively files and libraries from standard paths # such as /usr/lib and their subdirectories. The depth of recursion is # limited by MAXDEPTH (default is 5 levels). # If a file or library is not found in these directories, you may try # using 'locate' command. Default is not to use locate because it usually # causes failure with inconsistent versions. MAXDEPTH = 5 USE_LOCATE = False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # C and Fortran compilers and linker for Code_Aster # classical values for GNU compilers # A value defined here will be used for all compilers. #CC='/usr/bin/gcc' #CXX='/usr/bin/g++' #F90='/usr/bin/gfortran' #LD=F90 #CFLAGS="-fno-stack-protector" # for gcc 4.x #USE_FPIC=False # default is True # Example for Intel compilers (see the README file) #CC='/opt/intel/cc/9.1.049/bin/icc' #CXX='/opt/intel/cc/9.1.049/bin/icpc' #F90='/opt/intel/fc/9.1.045/bin/ifort' #LD=F90 #LDFLAGS='-nofor_main' #F90FLAGS="-fpe0 -traceback" #OPT_ENV=""" #source /opt/intel/cc/9.1.049/bin/iccvars.sh #source /opt/intel/fc/9.1.045/bin/ifortvars.sh #source /opt/intel/mkl/9.0/tools/environment/mklvars32.sh #""" # Example for gfortran 64 bits : #F90FLAGS="-fdefault-double-8 -fdefault-integer-8 -fdefault-real-8" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # You may want to add no standard directories in searched paths (as python list) # to search respectively for binaries, libraries and include files : #BINDIR=['/myprefix/bin', ] #LIBDIR=['/myprefix/lib', ] #INCLUDEDIR=['/myprefix/include', ] # To search for shared libraries first PREFER_SHARED_LIBS=False # False/True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Only if hdf5 was previously installed, uncomment following line # and fill next one #_install_hdf5 = False #HOME_HDF = '' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Only if med was previously installed, uncomment following line # and fill next one #_install_med = False #HOME_MED = '' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NB : Scotch is installed by default # Uncomment the following line to not install Scotch libraries # (under LGPL, available at http://www.labri.fr/perso/pelegrin/scotch/) #_install_scotch = False # If scotch was previously installed, uncomment and fill following line #HOME_SCOTCH = '' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # optional packages # NOTE : optional packages must be installed before Code_Aster to # correctly configure and build this one. # # NOTE : only a sequential version of Mumps will be built by `setup.py` # MUMPS libraries (sources available at http://mumps.enseeiht.fr/) # (Fortran 90 compiler is required to use MUMPS with Code_Aster) #_install_mumps = False #HOME_MUMPS='' # which contains lib/libseq directory # ZMAT libraries (commercial, available at http://www.mat.ensmp.fr/) #HOME_ZMAT='' # which contains PUBLIC/lib-Linux4/libZmat_base.so and others