Dev | Status |
concord | Traveling for work until the beginning of April. Feel free to touch my packages. @ 2025/02/12 19:19Z
conikost | Currently busy with various private things. Feel free to maintain my packages. @ 2025/02/16 15:25Z
graaff | Unexpectedly in hospital, not clear how long yet. @ 2025/03/08 08:30Z
kangie | Assisting with disaster recovery efforts for a fortnight or so. Should be back by early April; have comms, ping on IRC for anything urgent. Feel free to touch my packages. @ 2025/03/10 13:26Z
kumba | Busy w/ real life. Work on maintained packages and existing LTS mips-sources will be done as time permits. Future mips-sources versions (5.15/6.1/6.6+) are on hold for now. Drop me an e-mail if needed, file a bug if it is important. @ 2025/02/08 21:59Z
mgorny | Suffering from very bad infection, getting worse every day. Will drop by every few hours to check messages, and possibly do some easy juggling. @ 2025/03/13 07:29Z
ris | Still very time constrained. I'll try and hang around to deal with urgent things @ 2024/07/31 19:34Z
swegener | Dealing with health issues, limited availability @ 2024/05/22 09:34Z
tomjbe | Will be away from Friday Mar 7 2025 until Sunday Mar 16 205. Feel free @ 2025/03/04 19:32Z